Exterior and Interior Residential Painting
When it is time to paint the exterior or interior of your home, here at PEC we understand how important that is to you, the homeowner. We know the value of using quality materials and having professional painters to do the job right the first time. This is why we have been in business in Pasco County for over 40 years. We don’t do business in other states or all over Florida. Just HERE where we belong. There are plenty of homes and businesses in Pasco and surrounding areas. We are never far from our valued customers.
This is our PLAN!
And We Stick to it.
- Trench around the foundation where possible.
- Make sure all plants and trees are trimmed away from walls where working.
- Pressure clean and mildewcide.
- Mask and cover all areas not to be painted.
- Caulk around windows, doors, pipes, and anywhere there is a hole or crack.
- Clean out cracks and patch with elastomeric patching compound and then roll a coat of elastomeric coating over areas that were patched so they are not visible and will hold up longer.
- Apply the proper sealer or primer to all areas to be painted before applying finish coat – in most cases we apply 2 coats of paint.
- Repair stucco where needed
- Replace wood as needed
- Repair and retexture any drywall exterior ceilings
- The doors and trim on your home are the finishing touch. With the right colors and a professional touch it all comes together.
- Clean up is done every day and at the end of the job everything is in place and all debris is removed daily
- NO subcontractors (EVER).
We are licensed, insured and carry workers compensation on all employees.
We DO accept credit cards.
When we start a job, we finish it in a timely manner. We don’t cut corners.
We don’t play loud music on the job and we treat the customer and your property with respect.
We have been in business for over 40 years. Our reputation speaks for it self in fair prices and unmatched quality of workmanship that’s guaranteed.
We hope you will consider us for any of your painting needs. We have a proven track record and we are here for you.
Some of the materials we use are Sherwin Williams, PPG Porter Paints, Valspar and Benjamin Moore. If you have another preference just let us know.